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The Watchlist Webinar

14 May, 2024
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This Free webinar gives viewers the opportunity to hear from, and engage with, a range of ASX listed micro/small cap companies - to ascertain if they should stay on, or be added to, your watchlist.

Company presentations will come from:

Keynote presenter - John Forwood from Lowell Resources Fund

Renegade Exploration Limited (ASX:RNX) Rob Kirtlan

Sunshine Metals (ASX:SHN) Damien Keys

Cooper Metals (ASX:CPM) Ian Warland

Terra Metals (ASX:TM1) Thomas Line 

Time: 12 noon AEST
Day: Tuesday, 14th May 2024
Duration: ~ 1 hour

Each company will give a 10 min presentation, followed by 5 min of Q&A.